Here it is! Our community garden!

Tony and I decided to share a garden with two of our neighbors in our community garden this year (there are over 200 plots). We tackled it for the first time this past weekend. It was definitely neglected by its previous owner and needs a lot of work. We basically spend the morning weeding and creating borders with pieces of scrap wood. This is actually the "after" picture, if you can believe it. I wish I had my camera when we first started- it was literally a mound of dirt. But we have big dreams of enjoying organic tomatoes, herbs, green beans, and many other tasty veggies this summer!

Unfortunately, we've had very hard rain the past few days and the plot is now under 4 inches of water! Oh well, maybe one day we will be able to plant something! For now, we are just praying for the sun to dry out the soil (don't we already sound like gardeners!?!). We cannot plant until the soil is dry enough. Once it is dry, we need to turn the soil and add compost to build up the beds. We will also add wood chips to create a path around the beds. There will be five- one on each side and then one in the middle. Although we may not plant anything on the left bed and instead leave it to serve as a "drain" which will hopefully help the other four!
To Be Continued!....
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